Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How long does shipping take?
A: Shipping times vary depending on your location, but typically take between 14-18 days.

Q: What is the quality of your kits?
A: We offer the highest quality retro and vintage soccer kits in the market, all at the best prices. Our kits are meticulously crafted to ensure authenticity and durability.

Q: Can I return my order?
A: Returns are limited but may be available after contacting our support team. If you receive a defective product, you are eligible for a full refund.

Q: Where are your products manufactured?
A: Our kits are manufactured in Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore. We take pride in the craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into each kit.

Q: How can I contact customer support?
A: You can reach our customer support team at for any inquiries or concerns.

Q: Do you ship internationally?
A: Yes, we ship worldwide. Shipping times may vary depending on your location.